Messianic Prophecies and Their Fulfillment
Messiah – God’s Anointed One
His coming and His Kingdom foretold – Daniel 9: 25-27; Jeremiah 23: 5 & 8 Jesus claimed to be the Messiah – John 4:25,26; Mark 14: 62,62 Jesus the Messiah – John 1: 41 His reign defined – Psalm 72: 1-20
Messianic Prophecies Fulfilled in the Lord Jesus ChristProphecy Fulfillment testified to Of the seed of a woman Genesis 3:15 Galatians 4:4 To overcome the serpent Genesis 3:15 Hebrews 2: 14,15 Abrahamic descent Genesis 12: 1-3 Galatians 3: 16 Promised seed of Isaac Genesis 21: 12 Hebrews 11:18 A star out of Jacob Numbers 24: 17 Luke 3: 34 Of the tribe of Judah Genesis 49: 10 Hebrews 7: 14 Of the seed of David Isaiah 11: 1,2, & 10 Acts 13: 22,23 The heir to the throne of David Isaiah 9: 6,7 Matthew 1: 1,6 Born in the city of Bethlehem Micah 5: 2 Luke 2: 4-7 To be called Immanuel Isaiah 7: 14 Matthew 1: 22,23 Born of a virgin Isaiah 7: 14 Matthew 1: 18-25 Slaying of infants in Bethlehem Jeremiah 31: 15 Matthew 2: 16-18 Great men to bow down to Him Psalm 72: 10-15 Matthew 2: 1-11 Fled into land of Egypt Hosea 11: 1 Matthew 2: 13-15 Ministry preceded by forerunner Malachi 3: 1 Mark 1: 1-8 Declared to be the Son of God Psalm 2: 7,8 Mark 1: 11 Ministry confined largely to Galilee Isaiah 9: 1,2 Matthew 4: 12-16 Great zeal for God’s house Psalm 69: 9 John 2: 17 Anointed as prophet of God Deut. 18: 15-18 Acts 3: 20-23 A preacher of deliverance Isaiah 61: 1-3 Luke 4: 18,19 A man of sorrows Isaiah 53: 3 Matthew 8: 20 Characterized by wisdom & power Isaiah 11: 1-5 Luke 2: 52 Noted for righteousness Psalm 45:7 1Peter 2: 21,22 Noted for meekness Isaiah 42: 1,2 John 8:6 Rejected by His own nation Isaiah 53: 3 John 1: 11 Rejected as chief cornerstone Psalm 118: 22 1Peter 2: 4,7 A priest after order of Melchisedec Psalm 110: 4 Hebrews 6:20 Triumphal entry into Jerusalem Zechariah 9: 9 Matthew 21: 1-11 Betrayal by professed friend Psalm 41: 9 Mark 14: 10 Forsaken by His disciples Zechariah 13: 7 Matthew 26: 31 Sold for thirty pieces of silver Zechariah 11: 12 Matthew 26: 15 Traitor’s money buys potter’s field Zechariah 11: 13 Matthew 27: 6,7 Accused by false witnesses Psalm 27: 12 Matthew 26: 60,61 Silent before His accusers Isaiah 53: 7 Matthew 26: 62,63 Smitten & spit upon by enemies Isaiah 50: 6 Mark 14: 65 Hated without justifiable reason Psalm 109: 2-5 John 15: 23-25 Suffered vicariously for others Isaiah 53: 4-6 Matthew 8: 17 Crucified with sinners Isaiah 53: 12 Matthew 27: 38 Hands and feet pierced Psalm 22: 16 John 19: 36,37 Mocked & insulted in His death Psalm 22: 6-8 Matthew 27: 39-44 Given gall & vinegar while dying Psalm 69: 21 John 19: 29 Prays for His adversaries Psalm 109: 4 Luke 23: 34 His side is pierced Zechariah 12: 10 John 19: 34 Lots cast for His garments Psalm 22: 18 Mark 15: 24 Died without having bones broken Psalm 34:20 John 19:33 God’s presence withdrawn in Psalm 22: 1 Matthew 27:46 His death Buried in a rich man’s tomb Isaiah 53: 9 Matthew 27: 57-60 Raised from the grave Psalm 16: 10 Matthew 28: 1-9 His flesh did not see corruption Psalm 16: 8-10 Acts 2: 31 Ascended to right hand of God Psalm 68: 18 Acts 7: 56 Universal dominion of His Kingdom Zechariah 9: 9,10 1Peter 3:22 His Name exalted above all others Isaiah 9: 6,7 Philippians 2: 9,10 His Kingdom to be triumphant Daniel 2: 44 1Corinthians 15: 24 His Kingdom to be on of Jeremiah 23: 5 Romans 14: 17 Righteousness (I offer this list certain that I have overlooked some things that should be included. – MLF) |