Should older men (widowers) date younger women? Question: A conversation came up between my co-workers (ladies only) regarding older men dating younger women. A woman said that men who date younger women have got some kind of "girlish fetish" and they should be put in jail. What about a man who is 65 dating a woman who is 42 year of age. Personally I don't have a problem with people finding love with someone that might be younger enough to be his daughter. What is your opinion on this subject? If you would like to comment. Answer: There is nothing wrong with widowed men dating younger women. Neither is there anything wrong with men who have never been married dating younger women. Sometimes there might be a question about why the younger women date the older man. What would be the motive in an older man dating a younger woman from his standpoint? 1. When older men become widowed they find themselves unique in a large field. Most people widowed in a good age are women. Men who are widowed find themselves with a wide field to search for relationships in. They are not competing with other men in the same way they felt they were when young. 2. Women with some age and loneliness are often highly predatory in seeking out eligible partners. Men who get past the initial impulse of wanting to replace or regain the wife that they have lost are put off by that because they are interested in enjoying relationships and the things in life that might have had to be foregone during years of childrearing and so forth. 3. Younger women often make older men feel younger and they bring a freshness into relationships that might have been missing even in their marriage for many years. Remember that men are most often widowed by catastrophic and sometimes long term illness in their partner, they often need those feelings of freshness to give them a kind of renewal. Dating someone of your own age can appear to the man as making himself more vulnerable to the situation of having someone to care for without the depth of devotion that came to them in their first marriage over time. 4. You are right in saying that the difference between ages when speaking of ages like 42 and 65 are not very significant. The differences between say 19 and 42 can be greater even though the number of years are the same. The differences of course have to do with things like desires. A 19 year old woman might want to have children where a 42 year old woman wants companionship and hopefully a lover in the person they are dating with matrimony in view. I have known several marriages between older men and younger women that went very well, so I think it is important to not condemn something like this out of hand. 5. What is a "girlish fetish?" It is certainly not something that is looked for in a 42 year old woman. Older men can rapidly tire of too much "girlishness," the charm begins to wear and passing fancies pass. But some women will turn to much younger women who fit into the "girl" category as kind of a last fling in life. The girls who are willing partners in this have their own motives in getting into these relationships. I remember one case in Florida where a retired soldier, who had lost his wife after she died from a long term illness, married a 21 year old girl . There arrangement was quite up front. She would be with him till death they do part and when he died she inherited all he had. He owned some property but was no millionaire by any means. She made him feel younger, renewed him sexually and made the last of his life pleasant instead of lonely. Some of his family objected to the arrangement, but she had it in writing. She had earned her "wages." And, that is what gets some families up in the air about daddy either dating or marrying a younger woman. They want to protect their potential inheritance. 6. Men could not date younger women if younger women were not willing to date them. Some women see benefits in dating older men like. (1) Security (2) Maturity (3) Honesty (4) Self restraint and other things not mentioned here. If there is not some unhealthy problems in the relationships what is the problem? Mary, the mother of Jesus was about 14 (an age at which most "girls" today have not enough maturity to even be allowed to babysit today) and Joseph has been considered to be somewhere in his thirties or forties by several writers. The only problem I see in the relationship was the number of years a woman is likely to spend as a widow. I was 7 years older than my wife, and I told her before we married that statistically she would spend 14 years a widow if she did marry me. I asked her if she was prepared for that? She said she was, but that she was not going to give me permission to go ahead of her. I don't have a problem with people dating and marrying with a wide disparity in their ages as long as they know what they are doing and are honest with one another about their motives for the relationship. Your statement about case: She told us that her father brought his lady friend to her house for Christmas, and she gave this woman the cold shoulder, at which time the woman decided to leave. Later on she told me that father called a meeting to discuss the treatment of his girlfriend, at which time my co-worker told her father he should date women's close to his age. My co-worker's father told her if his girlfriend wasn't welcome, then he would not come back to any of his kids house. I think: There is no excuse for rudeness. She was not only rude to the woman, she was rude to her father by extension and the motives might extend well beyond some concerns about the woman's age. It is not at all uncommon for people to resent a parent, particularly a father for putting another person in the mother's place, and daughters are worse about this than sons. I think the woman should take an inventory to discover what he feelings really are and at the very least she owes her father an apology because at any age he is due her honor by command of the Lord. The Bible teaches that we should honor our parents that our days might be prolonged. Who knows she might one day be seeking to feel a gap in her own life that causes overwhelming loneliness. __________________________________ |
Jonsquill Ministries
P. O. Box 752
Buchanan, Georgia 30113