Thoughts on


Of the









Michael L. Ford, Th.D.



About the Cover


        The cover is a little church in Sri Lanka whose pastor is R.Anthony Gnanasunderam. He is like many thousands of pastors
 around the world who receive little or no recognition while  in this world. Yet every day they go out to serve our Lord Jesus 
Christ risking the lives of themselves, their wives, and children concerned only that they might be found faithful. When they ask 
anything of us who contend for the faith in relative comfort it is only that we pray for them, which is actually our duty. It is these
faithful workers in the Lord’s fields that this booklet is dedicated.


            This booklet was put together primarily as a series of Daily Thoughts for our Internet subscribers. It does have material that was not included in those publications as well. I felt compelled to compose this booklet after Rick Warren, who has become famous for writing The Purpose Driven Life made statements indicating he had a low view of the fundamentals of the faith. He was not the first I can say I have heard of doing such a thing, and already I can say he has not been the last. But there is a point where every believer must proclaim with all the strength that is in him that this is what I stand. Such a point was reached for me.

            The booklet is a product of extensive reading and thinking, drawing from other men expressions and ideas about how to communicate biblical truth. As we are all speaking of the Gospel truth it follow there may be semblance to others. Then it is because we have areas of agreement and I have been influenced by their writing. I do not claim to have unique insight into the Gospel message. If I did make such a claim it would be highly likely that my viewpoint was wrong. Instead I stand in the midst of a great cloud of witnesses all proclaiming a single message.


Michael L. Ford, April 2006