Minister of Education Reports
Why We Need Revival
In this hurry up day we live in, people are into instant gratification, and they are not much interested in anything that does not have entertainment value. People even often view church attendance as a religious entertainment opportunity instead of a gathering for the worship of the true and Living God. Gone are the days when many people will come to the church just to occupy themselves with the adoration of God and the surrender of their own concerns to His righteousness. This is why we need Revival.
It is the mission of every believer to be winning souls to Christ. But today, many believers have never lead a single person to faith in the Lord Jesus. People need an awakening of evangelical zeal within their bosom. In a church of two or three hundred persons with an earnest desire to reach the lost we should be seeing souls walking the aisles each week to profess the Christ they have come to know through the testimony of the church members. Because this is not happening it is plain we need revival.
Every day we are bombarded with the rudiments of this world. It invades our homes in ways unknown in previous generations. We are in constant need of resensitizing to the principles of holiness and righteousness, because the world is constantly at work seeking to cauterize us spiritually to the working of the Holy Spirit within us. For this reason, we need revival.
Some people have the wrong idea about revival. They think revival is for winning the lost. It is not. It is nice when that happens, but that is not revival’s primary purpose. Revival is about getting believers right with God, that is why they call it Revival. An evangelical meeting is about winning the lost to Christ. Revival is for the purpose of a genuine religious reawakening in the life of the individual.
When someone is revived they are restored and refreshed. They recall the person they are supposed to be because the Lord Jesus Christ has called us out of darkness into His marvelous light. Revival is a return to consciousness of the life that is possible through faith in Christ. Revival is a return to the hungering and thirsting after righteousness that we knew when we first believed, or when we last began to decline spiritually. Zeal of soul is the blessing of experiencing revival in the heart. It makes worship and service a privilege and not something mundane. We all need revival in our lives. |
Jonsquill Ministries
P. O. Box 752
Buchanan, Georgia 30113