The Ribbon of Blue

Numbers 15: 37-40


Every since this proclamation by the Lord thru Moses, the people of Israel we call Jews have worn the ribbon of blue, at least on their prayer shawls


God gave 3 purposes in the commandment.


The purpose of God in requiring the ribbon of blue has been a thing hidden from the Jew down thru history.

            Speculation on the ribbon meaning creation

            Go outside to see creation...

            Romans 1:20 says "the invisible things of Him from the creation are clearly seen"


Blue in the tabernacle was the color of the coverings

            The Tabernacle fixtures are each a testimony of Jesus Christ


The vail which separated the people from the Holy of Holies  was of the color blue.

2 Chronicles 3: 14

            Inside was the mercy seat

            and over the mercy seat hovered the Skekinah glory of God,


The high priest wore a robe of blue when he entered into the Holy of Holies.

Exodus 28: 30 thru 34

            He entered the Holy place with the breastplate of judgement upon Him.

            Jesus Christ went to the cross as our Great High Priest with the judgement of God upon Him. That's what the book of Hebrews tells us.


When the Lord Jesus went to the cross as our Christ, He was stripped of all clothing.

            Taken from his body for men to gamble over was the woven priests garment that           had no seam.

            Christ needed no robe of blue for He was that robe upon whose breast the weight of a righteous God's judgement fell.


The Lord Jesus Christ is today everything we could find in the Holy of Holies

            He builds His Tabernacle in saved men's hearts

            The word tells us He is the visible manifestation o fthe Glory of God Jn 1:14

            He is the mercy seat upon which every person must bow if they are to receive forgiveness.

            Jonsquill Ministries

P. O. Box 752

Buchanan, Georgia 30113
