God Would Not Fail to Bless Obedience Dr. Michael L. Ford 21 December 2006 When God told men to be fruitful and multiply some people seem to think He was putting a curse upon mankind. I don’t believe anything God ever told His Creation was for any reason less than their well being. That is the characteristic of a loving God. Unfortunately, not all who read their Bible place the same authority upon its words. That seems to have been the case with Thomas Malthus, a minister who listened more to people like the philosopher Rousseau. So in the 18th century he made the famous prediction that population would outstrip food supply and when the world reached a certain level there would be massive starvation and so forth. What that level of population would be has ever since been adjusted upward. This past week the United States celebrated the birth of its 300 millionth living citizen. Of course this is a slightly arbitrary selection for various reasons, but it served to mark an important event in the history of a nation that was also predicted it would be overpopulated at the one and two hundredth million marks. But then the world was thought to have achieved excess population in the 18th, 19th, and 20th centuries by certain groups, some of which are referred to as Malthusians, named after Thomas Malthus. They seem ever failing to remember his original population prediction, like their own have been, was a failure. If you look at the places in the world where human sufferings abound and people are starving you find places where the Christian religion is on the whole not taught and even despised by the masses, In some places where Christianity has made inroads the people began their cycle of poverty by holding on to false gods and religious beliefs. But strangely enough where Jews and Christians dominate the standard of living increases and people begin to prosper. This is a fact carefully overlooked by people who want to control population and establish a One World Order telling their fellow humans how to live. We need only to point to godless, atheistic, communist China to show how such ideas fail. There efforts at population control has resulted in a shortage of females and an aging population. Obedience to God’s command is best. |
Jonsquill Ministries
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Buchanan, Georgia 30113