The Creation Museum Spied Out Dr. Michael L. Ford 30 April 2007 For several years I have been following Answers in Genesis and its founder Ken Ham’s efforts to establish a Creation Museum. The purpose was to give a visible, well thought out answer to evolutionist’s claims of a very old earth that evolved over time. They have been fought on every hand. Even zoning boards tried to keep him from establishing the museum. I am quite sure though, if he had been trying to build an evolutionary museum of the type taxpayer funding has gone to support, he would have had no problem. Finally, after many battles, the museum’s opening is in sight. It has cost some thirty million dollars to build but from all reports the product is inspiring. The primary goal for which the Creation Museum was built, the salvation of souls, has also began to fulfill its mission. Reports are one of the construction workers recently accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as His Savior after working on the site for a few months. In total, ten contractors have had their lives changed by an encounter with the Lord while working on the museum we understand. It is not surprising that servants of Satan have done their very best to keep this museum from ever coming to be. Enter the ever-smirking Bill Maher, formerly on ABC’s Politically Incorrect. Once it took ten minutes of my time to discover it was politically correct. I turned it off in disgust! More recently he has had HBO’s Real Time. About five minutes of it revealed it was even more disgusting. So far it escapes me why this man is characterized as a comedian? But Maher penetrated the Creation Museum as part of a supposed film crew filming a documentary on world religions. Yes, the man who said Christians suffer from a neurological disorder passed himself off as someone making a documentary on religion. Biased, you bet! So far I have not heard how Maher is planning to use his film, and interview with Ken Ham, to attack Christianity? I am wondering if he is planning to time the showing of his film to coincide with the Grand Opening of the museum on May 28th? But oftentimes the devil’s plans backfire and he might actually wind up advertising for the Creation Museum. Would he still be smirking? |
Jonsquill Ministries
P. O. Box 752
Buchanan, Georgia 30113