Radio Broadcast 20 November 2005 Good afternoon. Brother C.W. Boling is not hosting the program today. He has not been able to be involved in the development of this week’s program due to the requirements of other areas of ministry and constraints upon his time. For instance he is finalizing a term paper for one of his seminary courses, and as anyone who has done college work can testify, term papers are often not a light matter. Today we will be talking about some of the things that have been happening in our world and looking at them from a Christian perspective. You might hear about some events that have been taking place that you have not heard about. One question you might ought to ask yourself when I mention news events that you have not heard about is why you have not heard these things over the various news reporting agencies? I have heard reports over the past week that the news services have been cutting back on funding for their operations and letting people go. Maybe this is why so much of the time you hear the talking heads now discussing the news instead of reporting it? They do not have the people and resources needed to gather legitimate news and instead they give you non-ending hours of the Michael Jackson pedophile show when there is nothing to report; while the Robert Blake jury was about to render a verdict they kept telling you it was about to happen; or they are still trying to discuss the rebuilding of New Orleans but not telling you anything about the scandals. There is nothing more important to maintaining a free society than a free and unfettered media. But our media is not doing its job. They are not collecting and reporting the news. What they are doing is editorializing much of the time and calling it news. While a free media is essential to the survival of Democracy, there is no greater threat to such a society than a media that has been corrupted and lies. And friends we have a corrupt lazy and lying media. For several decades, we have been saddled with a left wing corrupted and dominated media and the results are all too obvious! When the MSNBC network came into existence I welcomed it as a seemingly conservative relief from the major networks news and CNN. But it was not long till MSNBC seemed to be trying to compete with the others to see who could be the most liberal and news distorting of them all. Fox news came along with a promise to be “fair and balanced.” But they began hiring some of the people from the former networks and they have been heading steadily downhill… The habit we’ve seen develop in the past few decades of politicians and media openly lying to the American people poses an even greater threat to our way of life than the terrorists we’re trying to defeat. Every time a terrorist bomb explodes, America grows stronger and the will to win in most Americans grows more resolved. But every time a prominent figure lies, and every time the press blindly repeats or elaborates those lies, our nation is weakened from within. On 14 November, when the President was speaking. Fox's Juliet Huddy and Mike Jerrick let us hear two sentences. Then Juliet called in an 'expert' from UVA for his opinions on the reasons Bush was giving the speech, and then gave us her own interpretation of why he was speaking. Of course, he hadn't finished speaking, but what did these fluff-heads care? Perhaps their idea of "fair and balanced" seems to mean giving pundits, including Fox News Channel staff, as much space - or more! - than the people who actually make the news. One of the things that is almost laughable is how much media pundits interview each other. I have a list of a few things most people probably already know about the media but tend to overlook or forget. 1. They are not as interested in developing and presenting the truth as they are in selling ad space. In any choice between truth and fiction they will attempt to sell the fiction if that will help their bottom line. 2. What they call "fair and balanced" is often a presentation of unequal combat in which they give equal time to the knowledgeable commentator on the news as they do to the complete, raving idiot. 3. Since most of the members of the press are partisans of one party...that party gets the breaks in terms of coverage of its issues and the trumpeting of its party line... For instance what other reason would Mr. Wilson, formerly of the CIA get such full coverage when bi-partisan committees of the Congress have already pointed out that he has sold more "Big Whoppers" than Burger King? 4. Here are some principles many follow to sell news like hotcakes: 1. If the stock market goes up 100 points in a week but down on Friday by 10 points; don't report the average increase. Report only the 10 point drop---and blame it on the President. 2. Keep reporting casualties, but never report the battles fought and the gains made in Iraq. If there is a new electrical system in Baghdad, they find someone to point out that Halliburton built it...What the person you find says doesn't have to be proven, just get him to allege that it cost too much, that the bidding process was flawed...that it will fall apart and all is the fault of the President. 3. For a "mother" like Ms. Sheehan, just leave critical things out of her bio that won't aid what you want to sell about her...such as the facts that she had little to do with raising the son whose death she blames on the President; that contrary to her wishes her son volunteered both for a second tour in Iraq and only after being rejected for the mission in which he was killed, begged his Sergeant to let him be a part of it, "to help his fellow soldiers." 4. With no facts to sustain the charges, keep reporting the Democrat mantra that "the President lied," manipulated intelligence, and on and on. Whatever the untruth, say it long enough and as the Nazi General Goebbels said, the masses will believe it. Give equal weight to the partisan fabrication as you do to the facts, unless it is more useful to promote the rumor mongers. 5. Keep reporting poll outcomes, such as "most people don't trust the President" but don't reveal what questions were asked; how they were asked and to what group they were asked. If you want the "right" poll results to make your case take them from a skewed sample with more liberals than conservatives. Every person who has studied statistics knows that you can get the results you want from the polls... 6. The economy is humming along at an unexpected 3.5% growth rate; find a professor of economics somewhere and report that: "It won't be sustained." Or that "growth is in the wrong areas" That Christmas shopping is likely to be down this year" Report anything and anybody who can damage the view the economy is in great shape...This is a way of keeping your biased polls "looking good" and reporting "lower consumer confidence." The Main Stream Media, trumpeting that it is fair and balanced is engaged in a conspiracy not to win this war but to destroy the President for the sake of their liberal agenda...even if that means losing the war and exposing our Country to terrorism here in our shopping centers, homes and work places. When that happens they won't blame the "shame of the Kennedy's" the biggest windbag ever to inhabit the US Senate. Like all else bad that has happened, or can happen, they will blame the President. It’s an often-repeated adage that a rumor becomes fact through repetition. If you keep saying something over and over, eventually it carries the weight of revealed truth, especially in a world where the press seems less interested in presenting facts and more interested in simply repeating what people say no matter how unfounded or outrageous. When Ted Kennedy stands up and accuses the President of “tearing down those who seek the truth about the clear manipulation of intelligence in the run-up to the Iraq war,” the Associated Press repeats his accusation without comment, despite the fact that the bipartisan Silberman-Robb commission found after an exhaustive investigation that “analysts universally asserted that in no instance did political pressure cause them to skew or alter any of their analytical judgments,” and that “it was the paucity of intelligence and poor analytical tradecraft, rather than political pressure, that produced the inaccurate pre-war intelligence assessments.” In other words, the CIA goofed again. I’ve got news for you folks, in case you have not heard, we have found weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. Ted Kennedy says something already demonstrated conclusively to be false, but it’s repeated in the papers like it’s God’s own truth right out of Scripture. Page two: I confessed on this program some weeks ago that I had been in error about the wave of natural disasters hitting our Nation and that they did actually have something to do with the way we were treating Israel. Since then I have been accumulating evidence to that effect. You might then ask yourselves if I am correct what did the wave of violent storms and tornados that hit our country. Let me share that with you. On the 16th of this month an Associated Press report said NY faced a severe weather system. The same day the Senator from New York, Hillary Clinton, was all in the news for her trip to Israel and the twin moves of her and her husband when they announced their opposition to Iraq War. That amounted to an 180degree reversal of their previous positions, former President Bill Clinton called the Iraq war "a big mistake," while his wife, Sen. Hillary Clinton, voted for a Democratic bill that would announce a timetable for U.S. withdrawal. Remember “Billary” also lives in New York. The story of how he set up his office spaces was one the media did not tell you much about either. But back to what is going on now. Withdrawal from Iraq would hurt the security of Israel. Announcing a timetable for withdrawal would help the friends of terrorism. And, frankly I think Congressmen who are for that are either idiots or traitors. But pressing on… I would think Bill Clinton did enough to hurt Israel when he was President. Bill Clinton did his level best to destroy Israel during his eight years. He twisted Ehud Barak's arm to the point that the former prime minister had virtually given his country away to Yasser Arafat. Only a strange twist of fate, in which Arafat rejected the giveaway, halted the process and saved Israel from the unimaginable horror of being sliced and diced back then. It could be the storm threat to New York was a message from God just as when Bush Senior’s Kennebunkport home was destroyed by the storm of the century while he was acting to harm Israel during his administration. It's not bad enough that the Israelis had evacuated peaceful civilians from the Gaza Strip because the proposed new Palestinian government there cannot stomach the idea of any Jews living in their country. Now Bill Clinton says Jews should send financial aid and technology to their anti-Semitic terrorist enemies there. Nothing like supporting the people who want to kill you. But that's what the former U.S. president told a group in Jerusalem. Strangely enough they were gathered to mark the 10th anniversary of the assassination of Israel Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin. Clinton also referred to the Oslo peace process, which was by any standard a total and abject failure, as "our best chance for a lasting and comprehensive peace." Frankly, I'm surprised he wasn't booed off the stage. "If you work for peace and fail, fewer people will die than if you do not work at all," Bill Clinton said. I say, “Mr. Clinton tell that to Neville Chamberlain.” This is what passes for deep thinking among world leaders. Clinton’s ideas are like suggesting that the best hedge against the rise of Adolph Hitler in the 1930s would have been diverting financial and technical aid to Germany. No people have done more for the Arab refugees than the Jews. Nowhere in the Middle East do Arabs live freer, more productive lives than in Israel. Their thanks has been in the form unrelenting, unending terrorism and death. I find these comments by Bill Clinton condescending and dangerous. Why do we keep raising the bar of civil conduct higher and higher for Jews? Why are expectations continually lowered for the Arab world? Why do we believe that we can change the moral character of the Palestinians in Gaza by throwing money at them? Why do we think rewarding terrorism is the right thing to do in the Middle East, even though we know it is the wrong approach elsewhere? Why is it that the Jews are expected to pay for the needs of the people in Gaza – even though the Arab states of the Middle East are wealthy and claim to support their struggle? This is insanity. Why are ideas of people like the Clinton’s and their ilk even taken seriously? How many times do we have to witness the same policies of appeasement and one-sided sacrifice fail before we recognize it's time for a re-evaluation of those policies? But this is not the end of the story. Page three Nearly three dozen tornadoes ripped through the Midwest, part of a huge line of thunderstorms that destroyed homes and killed at least two people. One tornado ripping through another area killed at least 22. Meteorologists said a cold front moving rapidly east collided with warm, unstable air from the south on Tuesday to produce the thunderstorms that stretched from the Gulf of Mexico to the Great Lakes, spawning funnel clouds and tornadoes in parts of Missouri, Kentucky, Indiana, Illinois and Tennessee. On one night during the storms I heard a sound as of tornados passing over my home three times. We learned what that sounded like when I was a boy living in Warner Robins Georgia. We used to get under the bed when there was an alert, as if that would offer some protection. The Storm Prediction Center had preliminary reports of at least 35 tornadoes in the five Midwestern and Southern states. It was the third outbreak of twisters this month. One tornado on Nov. 6 killed 23 people in southern Indiana, and nine tornadoes struck Iowa, killing one woman. Along with tornadoes, thunderstorms in Indiana produced wind of more than 100 mph and as much as 2 inches of rain, causing scattered flooding, said meteorologist Jason Puma at the weather service in Indianapolis. One person said the destruction in his area "looks like a war zone." So what else has been going on? I used to think Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice was vaguely connected to reality. On October 25th she made a speech (marking the end of Ramadan) that disabused me of that notion. It was an exercise in kissing up to put that could be used to instruct Bill Clinton or George Bush for that matter Madam Secretary Rice promoted Islam from religion of peace to "religion of love and peace." Remember the old song “You always hurt the ones you love?” Islam's love letters usually come with TNT attached. "We in America know the benevolence that is at the heart of Islam," Rice remarked. "We've seen it in many ways." Funny, I seem to have missed that. Muslim benevolence may be glimpsed in a ceremony just days ago in Dubai, in the United Arab Emirates, where Sheikh Abdul Rahman Al Sudais (imam of Mecca's Grand Mosque) received the Islamic Personality of the Year Award. In a 2003 sermon, Sheikh Love prayed that Allah would "terminate" the Jews, who he benevolently called "the scum of humanity, the rats of the world, prophet killers; pigs and monkeys" (The latter, the pigs and monkeys part come from their benevolent and loving Koran by the way, lest you think he is really misguided about his religion). On other occasions Al-Sudais referred to Jews as "evil," a "continuum of deceit," "tyrannical" and "treacherous", Doubtless, all these must be terms of endearment among devotees of Rice’s religion of peace and love. Rice went on to observe: "We in America also know that Muslims possess certain basic rights that arise from our equal human dignity. Among these are the right to live without oppression, the right to worship without persecution, and the right to think and speak and assemble without wrongful retribution." It’s a pity Muslims don't extend the same rights to religious minorities in their counties -- Christians in Nigeria, Jews in Iran, Orthodox in Kosovo, Egyptian Copts, and so forth can tell you how loving Islam is. A Saudi court has just sentenced a teacher to 40 months in jail and 700 lashes for discussing the Bible. He would only get fired for that here. Earlier this month, there were riots outside a Coptic church in Alexandria, Egypt. It took 5,000 police to quell the crowd protesting a play at the church, which it believed had defamed its adorable religion. Days before, a Muslim stabbed a nun to retaliate for the sale of a DVD of the play. Crossing Islamic "peace and love" can be a risky business. Besides puckering up for the Prophet, our Secretary of State indulged in some unembarrassed America-bashing. After ritual garment-rending over the sin of segregation, Condi pontificated, "So, of all nations, America has no cause for false pride and we have every reason for humility." (Perhaps it was her years in academia that taught Rice to be able to babble so fluently.) Americans should not have "false pride,"? It must have been the Saudis who launched us into the computer age. Guess it was the Egyptians who spent half-a-century feeding the world's hungry. Were those Iranians hitting the beach on D-Day? probably not, given that most adherents of the religion of peace and love were rooting for the ethnic cleansing Nazis. Condi’s fondness for Islam must be behind Rice's advocacy of a Palestinian state. Why limit the love to only 1,000-plus dead Israelis in the past five years? In all of existence, there is no greater dichotomy than between the way Islam is portrayed by its Western admirers and the way it's practiced by its more enthusiastic adherents. Wherever large numbers of Muslims come in contact with "infidels," all jihad breaks loose. There is a saying that Islam has three faces it presents to the world: Face One -- when it is in the minority in a society, it is respectful and deferential; Face Two -- when it is at parity, it is pushy and aggressive; Face Three -- when it is in the majority, it will kill you. That's as true on the West Bank as it is in the Kashmir, as much a reality in the Philippines as the Balkans and as sure in West Africa as it is in Indonesia. There are two possible explanations for this phenomenon: 1) Islam is indeed a religion of sweetness and light, which, for some inexplicable reason, tends to provoke the wrath of non-Muslims of every variety. 2) Islam is an atavistic cult (more ideology than religion) whose tenets glorify holy war, teach contempt for other peoples, foster toxic resentment and inspire megalomania among its followers. I believe the second choice is the true explanation. Yet, reality notwithstanding, Western elites insist on seeing Islam through Condi-colored glasses. No amount of suicide bombing, anti-Semitic agitation (Jordanian TV is airing a series on the Jewish conspiracy for global domination. The Protocols of The Elders of Zion for Dummies), rampant misogyny, persecution of Christians or slaughter of innocents is allowed to penetrate this mindset. Love (as well as body parts) was in the air in India, when bomb blasts in two crowded New Delhi markets killed 61, among them a number of children. While no one has claimed responsibility, police are saying it has all the earmarks of the Lashkar-e-Tayyaba, the jihadi group attempting to wrest the Kashmir away from India. Isn't it odd how the religion of love and peace often inspires such murderous rage among its disciples? I don't recall Moses, Jesus or even Buddha saying, 'If you kill infidels, you'll go straight to heaven and get 70 doe-eyed virgins in the bargain." While most religions have a violent stage, Islam's has lasted for almost 1,400 years and counting. The standard Western response is that terrorism in the name of Islam is the work of fanatics, extremists, a fringe element that somehow has managed to misinterpret its peaceable and adorable faith and turn it into an incendiary device. Opinion surveys in the Islamic world show substantial support for the Muslim version of Murder Inc. Condoleeza Rice ignores the fact that, despite constant urging and every opportunity to do so, so-called Muslim moderates somehow never get around to repudiating jihad violence. If you believe the terrorists are a fringe element, you must also assume that George Bush and Condi Rice know more about Islam than the sheikhs of Mecca, the mullahs of Iran, the imams of the West Bank or the religious scholars of Cairo's al-Azhar University. Did our Secretary of State read the Cliff Notes Koran? One who shares Condi's pro-Prophet euphoria is the House of Windsor's New Age Dumbo. Prince Charles came here to lecture us on the need for greater acceptance of the swellest religion that ever tried to destroy England. Yes, I am talking about Islam. Prince Charley of Wales maintains he finds “the language and rhetoric coming from America too confrontational," Did Neville Chamberlain take too confrontational an approach to the Third Reich? One of Charles's more distinguished countrymen had this to say of Islam: "Individual Muslims may show splendid qualities, But the influence of the religion paralyzes the social development of those who follow it. No stronger retrograde force exists anywhere in the world." Unlike Prince Charles, Winston Churchill didn't inherit his position, but did experience Islam in the raw. I have lived for several years in two Islamic countries so I can tell you with authority Churchill knew a whole lot more about what he was talking about than does Bonnie Prince Charley. I hope Rice's remarks receive the widest possible circulation. It should help disillusion those conservatives who are pushing her as the GOP presidential candidate in '08. Who would she run with, the Iranian President who called for Israel to be "wiped off the map"? If that was not enough to cause God to try to get our attention once again, do you think when Rice pushed Israel to give up on security at Palestinian crossings and make themselves even more vulnerable He might be unhappy with America? When Prime Minister Ariel Sharon met with U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice on the 14th he was urged on behalf of U.S. President Bush to enable the opening of crossings for Gaza’s Arabs. Rice said that although the Israeli withdrawal from Gaza and northern Samaria was a positive and important step, Israel must continue to empower the Palestinian Authority and assist in establishing a Palestinian state. She went on to apply intense pressure upon PM Sharon to relax Israel’s security requirements in order to open the Rafiach border between Gaza and Egypt. Israel has insisted on closed circuit cameras being installed in the Rafiach Crossing, but the Palestinian Authority refuses to allow such a move. PA sources later announced that a deal had been reached that would enable the opening of the border. Who did they make this deal with? For all Ms Rice vaunted intelligence she must be ignorant of the smuggling operations between Egypt and terrorists in Israel. Prior to Israel’s withdrawal from Gaza, Rafiach was a major point for weapons smuggling, with hundreds of arms-smuggling tunnels uncovered and destroyed in recent years in extensive IDF operations. Following the withdrawal, despite PA and Egyptian guarantees, the border was left wide open for over a week, enabling the transport of unknown amounts of heavy weaponry into Gaza. Rice also demanded that Israel expand the exports and granting of work-permits to PA residents at the Karni Crossing from Gaza to Israel, a reality difficult to implement due to PA refusal to accede to Israeli security needs. Quartet envoy James Wolfensohn has also been applying pressure upon Israeli to relinquish its security demands in favor of enabling free passage to residents of the PA. Wolfensohn told reporters that Israel is “entrenching itself in security considerations, transforming the Gaza Strip into an enormous prison.” One of the arguments made prior to the withdrawal from Gaza and northern Samaria by pro-Disengagement politicians was that a Gaza withdrawal would create separation between Israelis and PA residents. Opponents, on the other hand, predicted that the pressure to open the crossings would make such a claim incorrect, pointing out that most terror attacks emanating from Gaza were the result of Arabs taking advantage of the crossings. The crossings have remained operational following the withdrawal, with scaled-back Israeli security infrastructure and growing international pressure to allow Gaza’s Arabs and their exports increased access to Israel. Well I had been intending to talk some about the anti-military, unpatriotic cities and colleges about the nation. I had planned to tell you about recent incidences of antichristian activities that had taken place, but once again I have run out of time. There is so much that needs to be covered and we have little time. If you enjoy these broadcasts, please send Brother Boling a letter, and if you are a Christian, a check to help keep us on the air would be very welcome. We need to keep sources of truth on the airwaves. |
Jonsquill Ministries
P. O. Box 752
Buchanan, Georgia 30113