Anti-Christian Persecution – Sudan Dr. Michael L. Ford 1 September 2006 You need to face it: Christian persecution is going on around the world. The persecution of believers in the last hundred years was greater than all the previous nineteen hundred before it, and it is on the rise. And usually, Christian persecution is not being reported in the mainstream media. One of the places of underreported persecution is the Sudan. Sudanese believers are suffering for the Lord Jesus Christ. They are strong Christians. They have to be in order to stand what they have been called upon to endure. Sudan, the largest country in Africa is home to some 30 million people, and was about 60 percent Christian. But Muslims, who reside in northern Sudan, hold the governmental power. The southern half of Sudan has about 15 million Christians. It is rich in oil, minerals and fertile farmland. The government wants to Islamize the whole country. They want the land and the oil in the south, but not the people. Over the past twenty years, more than 2.5 million people have been killed in the conflict and over 8 million, most of them children, have been displaced. Many have been enslaved. In typical Islamic fashion, a peace pact was signed between Christians and Moslems in 2002, but the government only used this as a smokescreen to continue to terrorize Christians. Like in Somalia efforts to bring relief to the persecuted in the forms of food and medicines often winds up in the wrong hands. Some young males managed to escape the country and persecution after being separated or orphaned from their families. These are called “lost boys.” But those who have managed to get away are in the minority. Most young females have no chance whatever. Many, boys and girls alike wind up slaves of Moslems. Some are tortured and murdered. In the Sudan you have a religious/racist struggle because the “Arab” government wants to eliminate the African population. Letters of protest to Sudan officials and ambassadors have done no good, and the U.S. government has a very long history of turning a blind eye to the suffering of Christians in the Sudan and around the world. Persecution is spreading because it is allowed to. <”>< |
Jonsquill Ministries
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Buchanan, Georgia 30113