Christianity Under Attack! Armed Forces Must Serve Without Christ Dr. Michael L. Ford 10 May 2006 In San Diego, a liberal activist Judge, Gordon Thompson Jr., has ordered the city to remove a cross from Mt. Soledad or be fined $5000 dollars a day. For over 50 years this site has been recognized as a public place where veterans have been recognized for their service to America. Last summer 76% of San Diego’s voters voted to keep the cross. Steps are underway to turn the site over to the National Parks Service to save the cross, but we have seen them try to remove Christian symbols at Yellowstone before so that is no real security. This is specially true since traitors in our government have been turning control of parts of America’s natural heritage over to the godless U.N. To add insult to injury the problem of anti-Christian activity still goes on within the active duty ranks forces as well. When I served the biggest problem was dealing with people superiors and peers alike who hated you for being a practicing Christian. It was alright to claim to be a Christian just as long as you did not act like one or profess your faith. Since Desert Storm when some troops were actually told to leave their Bibles at home and chaplains were told not to wear Crosses or a Star of David, things have gotten worse. Apparently a Navy chaplain named Klingenschmitt will be court-martialed for praying at a 10 March protest, with Judge Roy Moore, violating Department of Defense rules forbidding chaplains from prayers invoking the Name of Jesus Christ. Navy sources say the chaplain is being discipline for wearing his uniform at a protest. When I was on active duty simply being at a protest would get you in trouble, but after John Kerry protested Vietnam while still not discharged from the Navy, and got away with it, such rules did not mean a whole lot. No, the attempt to obscure the fact this chaplain is being singled out for praying at the type of protest he was at has failed. Small comfort to the mothers who now must see their children go to war without God. |
Jonsquill Ministries
P. O. Box 752
Buchanan, Georgia 30113