Radio Broadcast for 4 December 2005 Immigration Issues CW – This week we changed our programming plans at almost the last minute. We had intended to discuss the anti-Christian activities occurring around Christmas, but after the President addressed the Nation in Arizona this week I decided it was time to go ahead and concentrate on immigration issues. Ford – I was listening to his address. It was carried on cable. I understand you had him on the feed into your studio. He got you pretty upset didn’t he? CW – Yes he did. The current policy on illegal immigration is not only dangerous to our country, but what he was proposing did not seem to me to be any improvement. Ford – I think you are right about that. But our listeners also need to understand that not only are policies on illegal immigration misguided, but what is going on with legal immigration is not in the best interests of the country. CW – As we launch into this discussion, I need to make it clear to our listening audience that you and I both are believers in immigration as one of the strengths of America. Ford – Yes, that’s right. We are a nation of immigrants. Even those we call Native Americans or Indians are immigrants who came into the New World after the Great Flood. Whether your people came into America as early as some of mine did, 1611, or if they came in the last generation we are all immigrants to this land. The problem I have with legal immigration is how it has changed in the last half of the twentieth century, and the problem I have with illegal immigration is that it is tolerated at all. CW – So it is fair to say that you have given attention to this subject and while you favor immigration you think the whole thing is in a mess today. Ford – That is it in a nutshell, yes. The colloquial expression seems to me appropriate because we are faced with one or two choices when we look at the subject of immigration. Either the people who have been shaping policy over the past few decades are “nuts” or they have an agenda that is contrary to the best interests of the nation and are slyly working to undermine our country. CW – Well, our critics will be labeling us conspiracy theorists now. I think you will have to make your case and let our listeners decide for themselves. Ford – “Conspiracy theory” is a term used to lump the people who think aliens are landing on earth in the same category as the idea that some people are actively working to undermine the United States. It is a way of discrediting people without having to discuss the facts and having what is actually going on disclosed. What I want to give our listeners is facts not fanciful imaginations, then they can see the truth for themselves. CW – That’s right. So it is time to give out some facts beginning with the President’s speech. Ford – President Bush finally began talking tougher on immigration enforcement in that speech. But as he went along there was little evidence he planned to do anything more than repackage his previously proposed “guestworker” plan and keep denying that it is an amnesty plan for people who have already illegally entered or remained in the country. Amnesty programs did not begin with the Bush administration. Unfortunately they were proposed many years ago before we had the problems with terrorism we do now. However this past week in Arizona we saw the signal that President Bush is beginning to realize that the American public firmly rejects the immigration snake oil his administration has been pushing. CW – People who live along the border has had a lot of problems with illegal immigration. What you do not hear much about by listening to the network news is some of the horror incidences that have happened along America’s border with Mexico. Ford – People have been attacked on their ranches by illegals. Cattle, dogs, and other livestock have been butchered. All this and a lot more has occurred while what you get from the media is the story that illegal immigrants are dying in the desert as they seek to circumvent the law. They try to build some kind of moral case that we have a responsibility to help these people while they work at our destruction. A Judge took the land of Casey Nethercott, because he stood up to illegal immigrants. Like many who come across the Mexican border the people he faced were not even from Mexico. They were a man and woman from El Salvador. Evidently they were not married because one of them, the woman, is now in Dallas, (one of her names is common among Muslims) The man is now in Los Angeles. They are roaming around freely and who knows what mischief they are getting into? CW – This sound very serious but there is more isn’t there? Ford – I have received a number of reports of the border patrol intercepting suspected terrorists. You seldom or never hear of that being reported in the media do you? CW – You certainly don’t. Ford – And that is not all. I have had reports of the Islamic terrorist groups being active in border towns just outside of the U.S. So they are weaseling their way into the lives of people down there, perhaps with an eye toward recruiting new terrorists. I have received rather detailed information about their activities but it would take a whole program to cover it all. One of the big things that has caught my attention is the fact they are getting Mexican people indebted to them. CW – That sounds a bit scary. They could use that for leverage to develop suicide bombers. Ford – Yes, when you put the President’s speech into context with what is actually going on, then your perspective begins to change. His own part has been trying to get him to press the enforcement of current immigration laws and he has not done so. Last October 82 members of the House of Representatives, mostly Republicans urged him to do that, but for some reason he is really letting down the American people in this matter. I think he and the President of Mexico are too good of buddies for the good of the American people. This week, the president bragged about things such as the 1,900 new Border Patrol officers hired since 2001 and other measures forced upon him by the Republican Congress. He praised “expedited removal” as a tool that’s being expanded, though the administration has refused to apply this fast-track deportation measure beyond the border. It is hard not to be skeptical of this White House when it starts saying it will enforce our immigration laws because it has utterly failed to do so to date. Its de facto immigration policy has been the Clinton administration’s, and everything Clinton touched seemed to hurt America. CW – We will save our comments on the Clinton administration for when “Billary” runs for President. Tell me more about his speech. Ford – Well let me first tell you, the Border Patrol had a highly effective operation in Southern California where a handful of officers arrested hundreds of illegal aliens. But the Bureau of Customs and Border Protection shut it down. The initial CBP directive was eventually, “officially” withdrawn, but by then the message to line officers had been registered. CW – What was that message? Ford – The Bush administration has continued the “catch and release” policy that sets captured OTMs “Other Than Mexica”n illegal aliens – free on American soil. Brazilians, Hondurans, Salvadorans, Guatemalans and others have taken “catch and release” as a welcome mat. OTM apprehensions surged from 49,545 in 2003 to 165,175 in 2005. This is not a small problem with those kind of numbers. After 911, the Justice Department put into place a highly effective alien registration program called NSEERS. It coupled mandatory registration by temporary alien males from terrorist-sponsoring countries with on-the-spot detention of immigration violators, such as those who had overstayed their visas. When Homeland Security took over, it essentially killed the program, even though NSEERS caught 13,000 illegal aliens and caused at least 15,000 more to leave the country on their own. Homeland Security is not doing a good job of defending the homeland in spite of the rights under the Constitution that Americans have been asked to forego. After Hurricane Katrina, Homeland Security declared a holiday (though it has no legal authority to suspend laws) from employer sanctions laws – They did this not only in the storm-tossed areas, but nationwide. This opened the doors for unscrupulous employers to hire illegal aliens – thus displacing or hedging out hurting Americans whose jobs had been destroyed. The administration negotiates behind the scenes as Congress drafts immigration enforcement legislation, but the Bush crowd continues to oppose the most promising ideas, such as the CLEAR Act to get state and local police a constructive response from federal authorities and mandatory employment verification to shut off the “jobs magnet.” CW – Now I know you voted for Bush in the last two elections. Yet you are now vilifying him. What has changed. Ford – Nothing has changed. In the first election you were offered a New Ager or a businessman for your choices. Do you want to go into the New World Order the New Age way or the business way? In the second election you were offered a pro-military strong defense candidate at a time of national crisis or a liar who had betrayed his country during the Vietnam War. For me there was and is no choice is what I had to do. There still isn’t. But I would not be a patriotic American if I did not expose the intolerable actions I see taking place. CW – Let’s get on with the subject of immigration. Ford – The Bush administration has hawked a massive amnesty to legalize virtually all 10-12 million illegal aliens. This scheme has been, and continues to be, packaged as a “guestworker” program. But this is just part of our problem. I have seen the so-called “guestworker programs in action when I lived in Europe. We can all see what is happening in European countries today and ask ourselves if we want the name of our country changed to the Islamic States of America. Regardless of how the president labeled it, the plan he described in his Arizona speech is his same old amnesty plan. The illegals get legalized, they get to keep the jobs they came here and took, and six years later no political will will exist to make them go home. Politicians will end up giving them green cards and then citizenship. CW – It sounds like you have a really negative attitude about this? Ford – The evidence is there for anybody that cares to look. The argument goes that we need foreigners to do the jobs Americans wont do. The fact is there are no jobs Americans won’t do or don’t want. For instance, Census figures show that in the most immigrant-filled jobs, in farming, fishing and forestry occupations, 61.2 percent of workers are Americans. But Americans can’t take a lot of jobs because immigrants have caused the wages to be depressed. It is just like this business with programs called NAFTA, GATT, and CAFTA sending jobs overseas. They have caused Americans who can get employed to work for lower pay and lacking decent benefits. The people behind these things and other actions like deregulation of natural gas and electricity seem to me to be trying to break the back of America’s economy. We really don’t need more foreign workers. We need consistent enforcement of the immigration laws on the books. We need to let market forces regulate themselves without government command-and-control manipulating the labor supply. It will be only after at least a decade of attrition of the illegal population, through deportations, illegals leaving on their own and closing entry at the border that things will begin to stabilize. Once the inflow has diminished in the face of real enforcement, then we’ll have a clue what our actual labor needs might be for foreign workers. Let me tell you something else about this situation that really bugs me. I have friends who are Spanish or of Spanish descent who are American citizens, and have been faithful and true to this country. What happens when you have so many people running around illegally is that people start looking at everyone as if they might be here wrongly. I am jealous for my friends and would not have them subjected to those kind of attitudes. CW – I know you have been critical of semi-skilled jobs going out to illegal immigrants in things like the construction business. Ford – Yes, those are well paying jobs that many American would like to have but cannot get because illegals have flooded the market. Of course many builders argue that the illegals are more reliable because a great many Americans only work while you are standing there watching them, and some once they get a payday go and get high on drugs. CW – It seems to me that people can find honest workers if they want to. Ford – I believe that too. The point I am trying to make in this broadcast is it seems to me that the President is only tuning into the problem of immigration rhetorically, not practically. The proof of how sincere he is will be in how faithfully the administration starts to enforce the laws on the books, and implements statutory requirements that continue to go unimplemented and shows that it truly gets it on the enforcement side of the equation. I would not advise you to hold your breath on that. CW – Well four years after 9/11, America's national borders remain open and uncontrolled, for all intents and purposes. That should be of concern to all Americans and our government has been consistently wrongheaded in its approach to the problem. Ford – Recently people in other countries like Great Britain and Australia have come out and said that what has hurt their countries has been the insistence on multiculturalism. America was always the “Great Melting Pot” of the nations because it put pressure on people who came to our land to assimilate themselves into the rest of the nation. Historically what has come out of the portions of American societies that remained separate from mainstream America has been mainly criminal. You have had Italian, Jewish, Irish, Chinese, Korean, and now Mexican gangs formed within the people who have refused to become part of the American mainstream and now we are seeing Islamic problems beginning as well. Teddy Roosevelt said something that really spoke to the situation. He said: “Any man who says he is an American, but something else also, isn't an American at all. We have room for but one flag, the American flag... We have room for but one language here, and that is the English language...and we have room for but one sole loyalty and that is a loyalty to the American people." CW – The mainstream media has a problem in recognizing that because so many of them are lacking in loyalty. Ford – That is perfectly true. Our problem is not only external it is internal as well. No country has continued to be great when the people were divided and if you can get enough division into America it will not be great either. We have a lot of groups coming in whose loyalty is focused on the nation, tribe, or family they come from above the nation they have come to. They want to impress upon us the society that failed them where they were at and have us embrace and make room for that instead of becoming part of the American nation they have come to. Hitler spoke of that loyalty this way: "Du bist nichts, dein Volk ist alles" "you are nothing, your race is everything." I suppose Hitler found it hard to understand why most of the Germans in this country did not readily embrace him, even fought against him, instead of becoming saboteurs and such within the country. The reason was they had become Americans. CW – But there were some who did support Hitler including Henry Ford. Ford – Yes, that is true but they were the exception rather than the rule. We had German speaking Americans slipping into Germany as spies because they had been raised by their immigrant parents to love America first. This does not seem to be happening with a lot of immigrants now. And the Mexican border accounts for only about half of illegal immigration, or one-sixth of total immigration. Those who focus too exclusively on the Mexican border often cite the Pew Hispanic Center's estimate of 11 million illegal immigrants because it is larger than any official count. Yet that same study says only 6 million of those 11 million came from Mexico -- a share that remained "virtually unchanged for the past decade." Roughly half of illegal immigrants, including many Mexicans, arrived here perfectly legally, often by air or sea. But they overstayed their visas. If the institutional incentives to reside in the United States illegally remain unchanged, then tightening the Mexican border would be like putting up a "detour" sign -- diverting a larger share of illegal immigration toward arrival by air, sea or the Canadian border. CW – So along with fixing immigration policy, we need to do something about the emphasis on multiculturalism taking place in the country. Ford – That is right. I watched the President at the tree lighting ceremony this week. He could not bring himself to call it a Christmas tree. That is part of the influence of multiculturalism. The man who donated the tree had said that if he had known they would call it a “holiday tree” instead of a Christmas tree he would never have given it to them. Jackie Mason, one of my favorite people, is about as Jewish as anybody you can find. He has been around as a Jewish comedian for years but he has formed a group to bring Christmas back into the Christmas season. He recognized the danger multiculturalism presents to the American people and got busy. This whole business of “Happy Holidays” instead of Merry Christmas reeks of multiculturalism, the very thing that is destroying America. CW – We need to do that program on the businesses who want us to buy from them but cannot call Christmas, Christmas. I do not imagine that a lot of people have recognized the role multiculturalism has played in this thing. It certainly is an eye opening thought. Ford - "Immigration policy is about rationing something of great value -- the right to live in the United States. The question boils down to methods and criteria of rationing a relatively small number of spaces among a much larger number of people who would like to live in the United States. Current policy mainly relies on a mixture of political preference categories and then we have a queue, where people line up to get their turn. A big problem, and I don’t have enough time to discuss it in this broadcast is that current policy in handling immigration promotes multiculturalism. The problem is not immigration per se, but immigration policy. A lot of people still do marry to become citizens because there is no quota for spouses and children of U.S. citizens, so marriage and adoption are two routes by which immigration became much easier and larger than Congress expected in 1990, when it set quotas on every other group except refugees and asylum-seekers (the latter are illegal immigrants with a lawyer). Since Mexico and the Philippines became the two leading sources of U.S. immigrants around 1970, the post-1965 U.S. preference for family members perpetuates that same Mexican and Philippine dominance of immigration queues. To patch over this congressionally mandated favoritism with masking tape, Congress added a ludicrous "diversity lottery" (multiculturalism) by which up to 50,000 immigrants are admitted by sheer luck. That gives members of the Taliban and Bath Party a fair chance to slip into the country legally. I keep saying this immigration is in a mess. Immigrants expect to obtain most of the benefits of immigration, yet taxpayers bear all the costs. U.S. taxpayers make costly commitments to new immigrants, offering services and benefits, yet immigrants make no commitment to the United States other than the modest cost of transportation to and fro. There is something wrong with this picture. CW concludes – My dad, who is a retired Army noncom sent me a letter this past week related to the very subject we are discussing today. He is a patriotic American, and is also drawing Social Security, so what I am telling you affects him twice over, And from the feedback our radio program has received,, I know what I am about to tell you about immigration and Social Security will also be affecting many of you. Our government claims Social Security is broken and they are wanting to change it. They are trying to scare Americans into supporting these “changes” through the fear of losing all their benefits. At the same time they are planning to take billions of dollars out of the Trust Fund and hand it over to Mexicans who have paid little or nothing into America’s retirement system. If the government gets its way, millions of Mexicans including illegal aliens will be entitled to Social Security, draining 345 billion dollars out of the federal government over the next two decades. This will virtually wipe out most Americans main retirement system leaving most Americans in a state of financial disaster. In my opinion giving away Social Security benefits to none citizens, many of who have entered the country illegally is criminal if not out and out treasonous! I do not have the time in this broadcast to tell you about all of this now, but if the Lord provides so we can stay on the air you will be hearing more from us on this matter with the New Year. But Let me finish right now by telling you that the intent of the people planning this sell out of America also have a new set of special rules for Mexicans far easier than those for citizens of this country. Some of you may be disabled and have been unable to get Social Security. Dr. Ford’s wife has not less than three medical problems any one of which should have qualified her for disability, but after five years she has not been able to get it and the medical help she needs. But with the special rules proposed for illegal immigrants they will have no such problems, they will effectively have a fast track into the Social Security disability system, one which will set aside the ten year work rule you and I have to meet. There is more that I have to tell you about this, but we are once again out of time. Those of you who are Christians pray for us, and God willing we will meet you here next week. |
Jonsquill Ministries
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