WASHINGTON - U.S. Senator Zell Miller (D-GA) today 
delivered the following  statement on the floor of the United States
Senate addressing several  social issues facing the country:
"The Old Testament prophet Amos was a sheep herder who
lived back in the  Judean hills, away from the larger cities of
Bethlehem and Jerusalem.  Compared to the intellectual urbanites
like Isaiah and Jeremiah, he was just an unsophisticated country hick.
"But Amos had a unique grasp of political and social
issues and his poetic  literary skill was among the
best of all the prophets. That 
familiar quote  of Martin Luther King, Jr. about
'Justice will rush down like waters and  righteousness
like a mighty stream' are Amos's words.
"Amos was the first to propose the concept of a
universal God and not just some tribal deity. He also
wrote that God demanded moral purity, 
not rituals and sacrifices. This blunt speaking moral
conscience of 
his time warns in Chapter 8, verse 11 of The Book of
Amos, as if he were speaking to us today:
That 'the days will come, sayeth the Lord God, that I
will send a 
famine in the land. Not a famine of bread, nor a
thirst for water, but of hearing the word of the Lord.
'And they shall wander from sea to sea, and from the
north even 
to the east. They shall run to and fro to seek the
word of the Lord, and shall not find it.'
'A famine in the land'. Has anyone more accurately
described the 
situation we face in America today? 'A famine of
hearing the words of the Lord.'
"But some will say, Amos was just an Old Testament
prophet - a 
minor one at that - who lived 700 years before Christ.
That is true, so how about one of the most influential
historians of modern times?
"Arnold Toynbee who wrote the acclaimed 12 volume A
Study of 
History, once declared, 'Of the 22 civilizations that
have appeared in history, 19 of them collapsed when
they reached the moral state America is in today.'
"Toynbee died in 1975, before seeing the worst that
was yet to 
come. Yes, Arnold Toynbee saw the famine. The 'famine
of hearing the words of the Lord.' 
Whether it is removing a display of the Ten
Commandments from a Courthouse or the Nativity Scene
from a city square. 
Whether it is eliminating prayer in schools or
'under God' in the Pledge of Allegiance. 
Whether it is making a mockery of the sacred
institution of marriage between a man and woman or,
yes, telecasting around the world made-in-the-USA
filth masquerading as entertainment.
"The Culture of Far Left America was displayed in a
startling way 
during  the Super Bowl's now infamous half-time show.
A show brought to us courtesy of Value-Les Moonves and
the pagan temple of 
"I asked the question yesterday, how many of you have
ever run over a  skunk with your car? I have many
times and I can tell you, the 
stink stays around for a long time. You can take the
car through a car wash and it's still there. So the
scent of this event will long linger in the nostrils
of America.
"I'm not talking just about an exposed mammary gland
with a 
pull-tab attached to it. Really no one should have
been too surprised at that. Wouldn't one expect a
bumping, humping, trashy routine entitled 'I'm going
to get you naked' to end that way.
"Does any responsible adult ever listen to the words
of this rap-crap? I'd quote you some of it, but the
Sergeant of Arms would throw me out of here, as well
he should. And then there was that prancing, dancing,
strutting, rutting guy evidently suffering from jock
itch because he kept yelling and grabbing his crotch.
But then, maybe there's a crotch grabbing culture I'm
unaware of.
"But as bad as all this was, the thing that yanked my
chain the hardest was seeing that ignoramus with his
pointed head stuck up through a hole he had cut in the
flag of the United States of America, screaming about
having 'a bottle of scotch and watching lots of
crotch.' Think about that.
"This is the same flag that we pledge allegiance to.
This is the 
flag that is draped over coffins of dead young
uniformed warriors killed while protecting Kid Crock's
bony butt. He should be tarred and feathered, and
ridden out of this country on a rail. Talk about a
good reality show, there's one for you.
"The desire and will of this Congress to meaningfully
do anything 
about any of these so-called social issues is non
existent and 
embarrassingly disgraceful. The American people are
waiting and growing impatient with us. They want
something done.
"I am pleased to be a co-sponsor of S.J. Res. 26 along
with Senator Allard and others, proposing an amendment
to the Constitution of the 
United States relating to marriage. And S.1558, the
Restoration Act, which declares religious liberty
rights in several ways, including the Pledge of
Allegiance and the display of the Ten Commandments.
And today I join Senator Shelby and others with the
Constitution Restoration Act of 2004 that limits the
jurisdiction of federal courts in certain ways.
"In doing so, I stand shoulder to shoulder not only
with my Senate co-sponsors and Chief Justice Roy Moore
of Alabama but, more importantly, with our Founding
Fathers in the conception of religious liberty and the
terribly wrong direction our modern judiciary has
taken us in.
"Everyone today seems to think that the U.S.
expressly provides for separation of church and state.
Ask any ten people if that's not so. And I'll bet you
most of them will say 
'Well, sure.' And some will point out, 'it's in the
First Amendment.'
"Wrong! Read it! It says, 'Congress shall make no law
an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free
thereof.' Where is the word 'separate'? Where are the
words 'church' or 'state.'
"They are not there. Never have been. Never intended
to be. Read 
the Congressional Records during that four-month
period in 1789 when 
the amendment was being framed in Congress. Clearly
their intent was 
to prohibit a single denomination in exclusion of all
whether it was Anglican or Catholic or some other.
"I highly recommend a great book entitled Original
Intent by David Barton. It really gets into how the
actual members of Congress, who 
drafted the First Amendment, expected basic Biblical
principles and values to be present throughout public
life and society, not separate from it.
"It was Alexander Hamilton who pointed out that
'judges should be 
bound down by strict rules and precedents, which serve
to define and 
point out their duty.' Bound down! That is exactly
what is needed to be done. There was not a single
precedent cited when school prayer was struck down in
"These judges who legislate instead of adjudicate, do
it without 
being responsible to one single solitary voter for
their actions. 

Among the signers of the Declaration of Independence
was a brilliant young physician from Pennsylvania
named Benjamin Rush.
"When Rush was elected to that First Continental
Congress, his 
close friend Benjamin Franklin told him 'We need you.
. . we have a 
great task before us, assigned to us by Providence.'
Today, 228 years later there is still a great task
before us assigned to us by Providence. Our Founding
Fathers did not shirk their duty and we can do no
"By the way, Benjamin Rush was once asked a question
that has long interested this Senator from Georgia in
particular. Dr. Rush was 
asked, are you a democrat or an aristocrat? And the
good doctor 
answered, 'I am neither '. 'I am a Christocrat. I
believe He, alone, who created and redeemed man is
qualified to govern him.' That reply of Benjamin Rush
is just as true today in the year of our Lord 2004 as
it was in the year of our Lord 1776.
"So, if I am asked why - with all the pressing
problems this 
nation faces today - why am I pushing these social
issues and taking the Senate's valuable time? I will
answer: Because, it is of the highest importance. Yes,
there's a deficit to be concerned about in this
country, a deficit of decency.
"So, as the sand empties through my hourglass at warp
speed - and 
with my time running out in this Senate and on this
earth, I feel 
compelled to speak out. For I truly believe that at
times like this, silence is not golden. It is yellow."
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all!


Jonsquill Ministries

P. O. Box 752

Buchanan, Georgia 30113
