Ministry to Seniors



The Work and Calling

Of the

Seniors Minister



Prepared by the Minister of Education

Tallapoosa East Baptist Church


Philosophy of Ministry


Pastors and other church staff members are not called to do the work of the church for the congregation. They are to work with the people of God in doing the work God has assigned. Staff members may be thought of as “player coaches,” as actively involved as any team member. The biblical figure is that of a shepherd who leads his sheep. He is available to guide them, to help them when they get into trouble, to lead each member of he congregation to grow to his full potential.

taken from:                              
A Church At Work                  
by Allen W. Graves                 
pub. Convention Press, 1972   


The Need for a Senior Adult Minister

As the church grows and expands it is important for the pastor to develop ministry leaders who can assist him in his work. Some ministry leaders need to be Ministers of the Gospel (licensed and ordained clergy) by virtue of the views and needs of the people to whom they are called to serve.


Senior Adult Minister


Job Description


1.      To work with and within the existing Senior’s Ministry program to bring it into participation with the total church life.

2.      To become involved with the individuals currently participating in the existing program to the point of identifying their specific needs.

3.      To concentrate on outreach, evangelism, ministry, for the purpose of discipling people age 50 and up.

4.      To initiate new programs of service within and without the church operated by Senior Adult Leaders.

5.      To work with assigned Deacons in Family Ministry.

6.      To identify for the Pastor all senior adult needs requiring his attention.

7.      To provide counsel, comfort, and referral as needed during times of personal crisis


Job title:            Minister


                                    Staff                 Coordinator



                                    Qualifications:               Education

                                                                        Previous Experience

                                                                        Personal Qualities

                                                                        Spiritual Maturity



                                    Reports to:


                                    Term of Service: At the pleasure of the Pastor.


                                    Benefits:           Salary

                                                            Conferences     Types- Related to Ministry

                                                            Seminars          Types- Senior Ministry &

Grief Issues/Counseling



Resources        Budget



                                    Committee Responsibilities:


Developed from:                      

Effective Church Board

Michael J. Anthony                  

Baker Books, 1994                 




Missions Statement


The older population of the Buchanan area is a true mission field – not only because the numbers are large but also because the spiritual needs are so great. Older adults also represent an untapped group of people who have a need for participation in the total life of the church. A vital church ministry for seniors will not happen on its own. Tallapoosa East Baptist Church must have a well thought out plan for reaching and ministering to seniors. The leadership of the church must develop a unified vision – a heart and a burden, for ministering to older people. This vision must expand to include, not only those already within the church walls, but those out in the community as well.


adapted from:                                                  

Senior Adult Ministry                                       

A How To Guide for the Local Church

Regular Baptist Press, 1994                             



Senior Adult Identity


Not only are people living longer these day, they are enjoying living longer. Longer life espectancies translate into better health and vigor enjoyed by older people. Today’s seniors have realized that retirement doesn’t necessarily mean the rocking chair. Many love to travel, sightsee, exercise, have fun, make new friends and do all the things they were too busy to do when they were working.


Modern seniors want to remain useful: to continue learning and growing personally; to remain viable and valuable members of their families, communities and churches. The desire guidance and help toward accomplishing these objectives in their lives.


Senior adult years span a wide range, from the newly retired (50s and 60s) to age 100 and up. This means people with an age difference of forty to fifty years are grouped in the same age bracket! Within this broad range are small subgroups, each with its own particular characteristics and needs. A senior may be a newly married, newly retired businessman with young-adult children; a fragile 90 years old, widowed shut-in; or an active bachelor in his 70s.


Seniors are not stereotypes – they are people with distinct personalities, opinions, experiences, and abilities.


Their struggles:






In the past people lived in a world that did not change very quickly from generation to generation. Western society is now much different. Our culture is not one of harmonious continuity from generation to generation, but rather one of harsh and abrupt change.


The Second 50 Years reported an alarming statistic: “Today, the greatest proportion of suicides are among the elderly.” Since much senior suicide goes unreported, we have stark evidence of the overwhelming needs that exist within the senior adult population.

Seniors in the Church


The church does have an obligation toward older people.


First, the local church has a responsibility to evangelize them.


Second, the church should be a support network for believing seniors, where they receive close Christian fellowship and opportunities to worship and serve the Lord.


Third, the church must rethink its view of seniors and realign it with the Scripture. Seniors must be given opportunity to serve the Lord in the church. Overlooking the experience and talent of senior adults means they, the church, and the Lord are robbed of the benefit of their service.


Goals for effective senior ministry should include:

1.      To reach older adults with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

2.      To increase the local church body’s awareness of and concern for its older members.

3.      To provide seniors with Biblical answers to their problems.

4.      To promote among seniors spiritual growth and dependence on God for comfort and peace.

5.      To promote the church’s full utilization of the skills and abilities of seniors.

6.      To fully integrate seniors into the church body to make them as much a part of the church as younger members.

7.      To provide seniors with opportunities for fellowship with one another.


The three key concepts in developing an effective ministry to older people are:

1.      Integrate them into the total church life while keeping them viable as a group.

2.      Involving them in the total mission and worship life of the church. Put them to work.

3.      Help them in practical ways.


It is recommended that the book Senior Adult Ministry, A How To Guide for the Local Church be used as the basic guide to developing an active seniors ministry.

            Jonsquill Ministries

P. O. Box 752

Buchanan, Georgia 30113
