Hymnology # 1


1. According to G.B. Stevens of Yale, Ephesians 5:18,19, teaches the joy that comes from the Spririt's indwelling edifies one another with devout songs of praise Christ                                                                 accompanied by

the melody of the heart                                                                                                                .


2. What three things make beautiful hymns a more vital spiritual force in our lives?

(1) Understanding the hymns we sing                   and  the stories behind them                                                              .

(2) Knowing who wrote the words                      and  what occasions prompted the writing                                         .

(3) Knowing how the music was composed                                                                                                                .


3. What did Walter Savage Lander say that was so encouraging to us in the study of Hymnology?

Music is God's gift to man, the only art of heaven given to earth, and the only art of earth we take to heaven              



4.   Congregation                           singing is the most important style of singing connected with an evangelical church.


5. Church History's great periods of spiritual fervor and revival have been accompanied by a renewed interest in

congregational               singing                                 .


6. Name three preachers identified in the preface whose ministries were identified with the promotion of congregational singing.

(A) 16th century    Martin Luther                                                      

(B) 18th century brothers      John and Charles Wesley                    

(C) 19th century    D.L. Moody                                                      


7. Professor Kenneth W. Osbeck says that the study of Hymnology has often been called the

romance of sacred song                                                                                                        .


8. The 31st of October 1517 has sometimes been called the 4th of July of Protestantism. What event took place on that date?

        Martin Luther nailed his ninety-five theses to the door of the Cathedral of Wittenburg Germany                             


9. Osbeck calls A Mighty Fortress Is Our God the national hymn of Protestant                                               Germany.


10. Luther wrote he would allow no man to preach or teach God's people without                                                        

a proper knowledge of the use and power of sacred song.                                    .


11. The only person who is able to face the prospect of death realistically is able to live this life with

     purpose                           and     confidence                        .


12. Henry F. Lyte wrote    Abide with Me                       shortly before his death. It has since become one of the favorite hymns of Christians everywhere during times of sorrow and distress.


13. Henry F. Lyte is credited with coining the phrase    it is better to wear out than rust out                                         .


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14. Saint Francis of Assisi who wrote All Creatures of Our God and King about a year before his death was born

Giovanni Bernardone                 in 1182. Originally he was a     soldier             by profession and self indulgent.


15. All Hail the Power written by Edward Perronet is often called the National Anthem of Christendom                     .


16. Augustus Toplady whose name appears on much Christian music was editor of    Gospel Magazine                    .


17. What statement did Edward Perronet make about his probable future that did not come true?

I was born and am likely to die in the tottering communion of the Church of England, but I despise her nonsense     



18. What popular hymn was written by Fanny Crosby as an expression of gratitude to God for a direct answer to prayer?     All the Way My Savior Leads Me                                            .


19. What physical limitation did Fanny Crosby suffer from?    she was blind                                    .


20. John Newton the author of Amazing Grace became a    seaman                       at the age of eleven.


21. What kind of ship was John Newton a captain of?      a slave ship                                               .


22. On 10 March 1748, during a particularly stormy voyage John Newton began teading a book by a Dutch monk of the 14th century named     Thomas a Kempis             titled    Imitation of Christ                    . The experience of the sea voyage and the book combined were used by the Holy Spirit to accomplish Newton's eventual conversion.


23. Newton as a minister was considered to have extremist practices for his day. One of these practices lead to the writing of hymns. This was    the singing of hymns that express simple heartfelt faith                                                .


24.Isaac Watts is generally titled the father of    English              hymnody            .


25. Charles Wesley provided some     6,500           hymns.


26. James Montgomery was    twice        imprisoned for writing on controversial issues. As a result in 1797 he published a volume of poems called         Prison Amusements                                  .


27. The words for the Battle Hymn of the Republic first appeared in    The Atlantic Monthly                            .


28. The song was composed to make less offensive words to replace a song that was  being song by Union troops going to war titled     John Brown's Body                          the tune itself was an existing     Southern       American    camp meeting tune.


29. The latter part of the seventeenth century saw the    Pietistic       revival in Germany. This movement was similar to the effect of the Puritan and Wesleyan movements in England.



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30. The Pietistic revival lead by Philipp Jacob Spener, pastor of the Lutheran Church in Berlin, Germany was characterized by hymns that exhibited:

(a)     genuine piety                                               

(b)    depth of feeling                                            

(c)    rich Christian experience                              

(d)    faithfulness in Scriptural expression               


31. The outstanding woman of the Pietistic Revival Movement was    Katharina von Schlegel                        of whom little of a personal nature is known. She wrote Be Still, My Soul.


32. The greatest Christian music comes from people of genuine piety and Biblical knowledge, not a few who are from Scotland. One of the few of the women writers in this group was descended from the famous Douglas family on her mother's side. She was    Elizabeth Cecilia Douglas Clephane               who wrote Beneath the Cross of Jesus.


33. St. Christopher etymologically means     bearer of Christ                                                     .


34. Gospel music as an important form of Christian hymnody had its beginning in the latter half of the    nineteenth      century.


35. The person credited with capturing more than any other writer the spirit of the American gospel movement is

   Francis "Fanny" Jane Crosby                                         .


36. Gospel hymnody has the distinction of being America's most typical contribution to Christian song. Robert M. Stevenson called it    music of the people                           .


37. Fanny Crosby wrote more than    8,000   songs in her lifetime. She used more than    200    pen names besides her own.


38. John Fawcett who was famous for the song Bless Be the Tie That Binds was won to Christ under the preaching of

George                Whitefield                      .


39. John Fawcett was ordained a    Baptist       minister and he is distinguished by his faithfulness to the impoverished congregation at Wainsgate in Northern England from which Bless Be the Tie That Binds originates.


40. The first Wesleyan Chapel in London, England was founded in a deserted    iron       foundry    and became known as the    Foundry              Meeting                House             .


41. Christ the Lord is Risen Today for the first meeting in Wesleyan Chapel in London just one year after his famous

   Aldersgate           conversion experience.


42. ___Hallelujah         is from the ancient Hebrew worship service and was a common expression of praise in the early church. Jerome wrote that this word often shook the very ceilings of houses of worship in his day when believers sang their praises to God.